Privacy Policy
When you visit our website information regarding your access may be saved on our server (for example: date and time of your access, the name of your internet provider, which web-browser you use, which pages of our site you visit). However, these data are saved in anonymous form and we will use them exclusively for statistical purposes and for improving our offer on the web.
Our website uses so-called cookies. Cookies are small text files that are deposited on your computer. They are used for making our website safer, more user-friendly and efficient. In addition to this they allow us to measure the number of visits to our website and general navigation. Most of the cookies transmitted to your computer will be automatically deleted from your system after your visit. Other cookies will remain on your system and allow us to recognise your system the next time you visit our website. If you do not want this, you can always prevent the use of these cookies by changing the settings in your web-browser.
Right to information and revocation
You are entitled to claim information (free of charge) on your personal data saved by us and, if applicable, that your data are corrected, blocked or deleted. You may revoke your agreement to the processing of the data you provided any time.
For our website we use Piwik, an open source software that provides statistics regarding the access by users. Piwik is using so-called Cookies. These are text-files that are saved on your computer and allow Google to analyse how you use our website. The information generated by the cookies regarding the use of this website is saved on the provider’s server in Germany. The IP-address is anonymised immediately after processing and before the information is saved. You can prevent the installation of the cookies by selecting respective settings in your browser. However, we inform you that if you disable cookies you may not be able to use all of the functions offered by our website.
Use of Facebook social plugins
On our website we use social plugins (“Plugins”) of the social network that is operated by Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland. The plugins can be identified by one of the Facebook logos (white “f” on a blue tile) or a “thumbs up” sign or they are marked as “Facebook social plugin”. When clicking on the link below you will find the list and appearance of the Facebook social plugins: If you access one of our webpages which contains such a plugin your browser will establish a direct connection with the Facebook-servers. The content of the plugin is transmitted directly from Facebook to your browser and integrated into the website. For that reason we do not have any influence on the extent to which Facebook collects data by means of this plugin and we can only inform you about what we do with these data to the extent to which we are aware of it: through the plugin Facebook will get the information that you have accessed the respective page of our website. If you are a member of Facebook and logged into your account, Facebook can relate your visit to your Facebook-account. If you interact with a plugin, e.g. by clicking on the Like-button or making a comment, your browser transmits this information directly to Facebook where it is saved. If you are not a member of Facebook, it is still possible that Facebook finds out your IP-address and saves it. According to Facebook only an anonymized IP-Address is saved of users in Germany. Information on the purpose and extent of data collection and their further processing and use by Facebook as well as your respective rights and how users can protect their privacy can be found in the Facebook privacy policy at: If you are a member of Facebook and do not want Facebook to collect data on your use of our website and links them with your Facebook membership data, you have to log out from Facebook before visiting our website. In addition to this you can block Facebook social plugins by means of add-ons for your browser, e.g. by means of the Facebook-blocker. More settings and how you can deny the use of data for advertising purposes are offered under the Facebook profile settings at:
Use of Google +1
Our website uses functions offered by Google +1. The service is provided by Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. If you access one of our webpages which contains such a button, your browser will establish a direct connection with the Google servers. The content of the “+1”-button is transmitted directly from Google to your browser and integrated into the website. For this reason we do not have any influence on the extent of the data collected by Google through this button. According to Google no personal data are collected unless you click on this button. Such data (e.g. the IP-address) will be collected only from members who are logged in. Information on the purpose and extent of data collection and the further processing and on how Google uses the collected data as well as on your respective rights and how users can protect their privacy can be found in the privacy information provided by Google regarding the “+1”-button at:
Statement on privacy when using Twitter
On our website we use the buttons of the service Twitter. These buttons are offered by Twitter Inc., 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA. They are identified by terms like “Twitter” or “Follow” and the stylized blue bird. These buttons allow you to share content or a page of our website through Twitter or to follow us on Twitter. If you access one of our webpages which contains such a button, your browser will establish a direct connection with the Twitter-servers. The content of the Twitter buttons is transmitted directly from Twitter to your browser. We do not have any influence on the extent of the data collected by Twitter by means of this plugin. As far as we are aware only your IP-address and the URL of the respective website are transmitted when using the button, however, this does not serve any other purposes than those of showing the button. Further information in this regard you find in the Twitter privacy policy at
Inclusion of external contents
If you are a member of Google Plus and do not want Google to collect data about you through our website and links these data with your Google membership data you have to log out from Google +1 before visiting our website.
We have integrated third-party contents in our website, e.g. videos provided by Vimeo, maps provided by Google Maps, RSS-feeds or images from other websites. If you click on one of the pages where these contents are integrated, the respective provider of these contents (third-party provider) will perceive your IP-address because without your IP-address the contents cannot be transmitted to your browser. The IP-address is required for showing these contents. We are trying to ensure that we use only contents whose third-party providers use the IP-address exclusively for delivering the contents. However, we have no influence on whether the third-party providers use the IP-address for statistics, for instance. In case we are aware of such use we will inform you about it.